
public final class ZendriveInsurance : NSObject

Applications which want to record Fairmatic insurance periods for a driver may use these APIs.

All drives (automatically detected or manually started) when a period is in progress will be tagged with the period id. This period id will be made available in the reports and API that Fairmatic provides via Zendrive.

Only one period can be active at a time. Switching periods or calling ZendriveInsurance.stopPeriod(_:) stops any active drives (automatic or manual). A drive with multiple insurance periods will be split into multiple trips for different insurance periods.

  • Start Fairmatic insurance period 1 in the SDK.

    A manual trip of id trackingId will be started immediately on this call. The entire duration in this period will be recorded as a single trip. If period 1 is already in progress with the same trackingId, this call will be a no-op.



    public static func startDrive(withPeriod1 completionHandler: ((Bool, Error?) -> Void)?)



    A block object to be executed when the task finishes. This block has no return value and two arguments: isSuccess, A boolean that suggests successful completion of the call the error, A valid error of zendriveErrorDomain is returned in case of a failure. Possible error codes returned: ZendriveError.notSetup, ZendriveError.insurancePeriodSame, Refer to ZendriveError for more details on the errors.

  • Start Fairmatic insurance period 2 in the SDK.

    A manual trip of id trackingId will be started immediately on this call. The entire duration in this period will be recorded as a single trip. If period 2 is already in progress with the same trackingId, this call will be a no-op.



    public static func startDrive(withPeriod2 trackingId: String, completionHandler: ((Bool, Error?) -> Void)?)



    An identifier which allows identifying this drive uniquely. This drive identifier must be unique for the user.


    A block object to be executed when the task finishes. This block has no return value and two arguments: isSuccess, A boolean that suggests successful completion of the call the error, A valid error of zendriveErrorDomain is returned in case of a failure. Possible error codes returned: ZendriveError.notSetup, ZendriveError.insurancePeriodSame, ZendriveError.invalidTrackingId. Refer to ZendriveError for more details on the errors.

  • Start Fairmatic insurance period 3 in the SDK.

    A manual trip of id trackingId will be started immediately on this call. The entire duration in this period will be recorded as a single trip. If period 3 is already in progress with the same trackingId, this call will be a no-op.



    public static func startDrive(withPeriod3 trackingId: String, completionHandler: ((Bool, Error?) -> Void)?)



    An identifier which allows identifying this drive uniquely. This drive identifier must be unique for the user.


    A block object to be executed when the task finishes. This block has no return value and two arguments: isSuccess, A boolean that suggests successful completion of the call the error, A valid error of zendriveErrorDomain is returned in case of a failure. Possible error codes returned: ZendriveError.notSetup, ZendriveError.insurancePeriodSame, ZendriveError.invalidTrackingId. Refer to ZendriveError for more details on the errors.

  • Stop currently ongoing Fairmatic insurance period if any.

    Ongoing trips at the time of this call will be stopped. Auto trip detection is turned off on this call.



    public static func stopPeriod(_ completionHandler: ((Bool, Error?) -> Void)?)



    A block object to be executed when the task finishes. This block has no return value and two arguments: isSuccess, A boolean that suggests successful completion of the call the error, A valid error of zendriveErrorDomain is returned in case of a failure. Possible error codes returned: ZendriveError.notSetup. Refer to ZendriveError for more details on the errors.