
The following enumerations are available globally.

  • Enumeration for different service levels supported by Zendrive for a driver. By default, drivers will be assigned to the default service level - ZendriveServiceLevelDefault.

    This is useful for applications which need special modes in the Zendrive SDK for different drivers - e.g default mode for free users and a advanced mode for paid users.

    By default, multiple service levels are not enabled for an application. To be able to use different modes for your application, you should contact support@zendrive.com with your requirements and get that enabled for your application. Otherwise, if this is not enabled for your application, all drivers get mapped to ZendriveServiceLevelDefault irrespective of the service level specified.

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    enum ZendriveServiceLevel {}
  • ZendriveError

    Discussion: Error returned as code to NSError from Zendrive public APIs in case of failures.

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    enum ZendriveError {}
  • Zendrive follows the star rating system, under which five star defined as the best rating with one being the worst.

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    enum ZendriveStarRating {}